Wednesday, 1 October 2008

CALL FOR PAPERS - Third Science Learning and Teaching Conference (SLTC), 16-17th June 2009, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

Call for papers for the Third Science Learning and Teaching Conference (SLTC), 16-17th June 2009, Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh

The aim of this national conference is to bring together practitioners in the teaching of science disciplines in HE to share their experiences, identify common challenges and an opportunity to share effective practice. The conference programme will include keynote lectures; short oral presentations; hands on workshops; posters and exhibitions.

Offers of contributions are invited for oral presentations (15 minutes), interactive presentations (30 minutes), workshops (1.5 hours) and poster presentations. Contributions on any of the following themes are particularly welcome:• assessment / feedback / plagiarism• induction / transitions / retention / recruitment• developments in learning and teaching – forward thinking

Abstracts must be submitted using the online submission form at: If you are unable to submit using the online form an electronic version of the form can be downloaded from the submissions page, completed and emailed to The submission deadline is 12:00 on Friday 28th November 2008.

The registration fee for the conference will be £195 for those participants with an accepted abstract; otherwise the fee will be £225. Registration will open in December 2008.

Please visit for more information.
Colleagues in the early stages of their career are particularly welcome.