on behalf of Publishing Directions (UK) Ltd and JISC.
Dear Chemistry Researcher,
We would like to ask for your help - we need your input and perspective as a researcher in order to better understand how you communicate with your academic colleagues, particularly in using digital methods. We would like to understand more about how you locate, evaluate, organise, manage, transform, communicate and re-use research information in your field.
We would like to ask you to take 15 minutes to fill in a brief online survey.
Your input will provide vital insight into understanding methods of scholarly communications in the fields of chemistry and will help us to plan advocacy programmes to encourage the take up of new methodologies and technologies to improve the access to, use and re-use of content by UK academics in this field.
The survey is part of a study project undertaken by Publishing Directions (UK) Ltd (www.publishingdirections.co.uk) on behalf of JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee (www.jisc.ac.uk).
The survey will be live online from 30th January - 13th February. You can access it here (www.rsc.org/advocacy), which redirects to a survey on http://www.surveymonkey.com/. Any answers you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and shared only with JISC in an aggregated format.
In order to thank you for your time, you will be given the opportunity to enter a Prize Draw, with prizes of 5 £40 Amazon vouchers to be won.
If you have any queries about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With thanks,
Dr William Town.
bill.town --at-- kilmorie.com