Thursday, 19 March 2009

Free events on sustainable laboratories - Edinburgh date 1st May

Free events on sustainable laboratories have been organised for academics, managers and technicians in laboratories. All feature Allen Doyle, founder of the award winning LabRATS initiative in the University of California, and have been organised by the HEFCE-funded HEEPI project.

Bookings can be made at

They are being held at the Royal Society of Chemistry, London (27/04/09), the University of Bradford (28/04/09) and the University of Edinburgh (01/05/09).

The London event focuses on laboratory operation, and deals with topics such as energy efficiency, green IT and waste management.

The Bradford event is mainly aimed at academics and focuses on using laboratory operations as a mechanism for teaching and learning about sustainability (e.g. HVAC systems as engineering case studies; experimental chemicals as a route into teaching green chemistry and life cycle assessment).

The Edinburgh event combines both.