Monday, 22 February 2010

Beacons for Public Engagement Initiative - survey - UK higher education staff, and researchers

The Beacons for Public Engagement (BPE) initiative was launched by the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, Research Councils UK and the Wellcome Trust in January 2008.

Through building on and refining existing work and development of new practice, the initiative aims to:

* Encourage a change in HE culture as regards engaging with the public.
* Support the development of public engagement across all subject areas and activities.

There are six Beacons for Public Engagement including "Edinburgh Beltane" (Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh Napier, UHI Millennium Institute, Edinburgh College of Art, Queen Margaret)

This survey is to identify any changes in perceptions relating to public engagement and is for all staff working in UK higher education institutions or UK research institutes or centres.

Available Monday 15th February to Friday 2nd April 2010.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Reaxys PhD Prize

A competition for candidates currently studying for a PhD or having completed a PhD within the last 12 months in organic, inorganic, and organometallic chemistry.

The prize will be awarded to the candidates that demonstrate excellence in methodology and approach in a peer-reviewed publication. Three prize winners will each receive a check for $2000 and be invited to present their research at the Winners’ Symposium, held at the EuCheMS meeting in Nuremberg, Germany on August 30, 2010.

Further details and all submissions should be made here:

eCheminfo workshops

eCheminfo workshops in drug discovery and predictive ADME/tox in Oxford this summer. In addition to exposure to a variety of methods, software and hands-on exercises, groups will work together on case studies throughout the workshop week.

Bursary Awards will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic participants at the workshops. The deadline for submission is February 12.

More Information at: