Friday, 30 July 2010

Reaxys Training

Wednesday 4th August
JCMB rm3217

Reaxys staff demonstrating and taking questions.
CrossFire platform for Beilstein and Gmelin ceases at the end of December 2010. Reaxys is how they will be accessed.

Please book via the MyEd event channel:

Reaxys at:
[on-campus or VPN]

Impact Factors - 2009

The 2009 Journal Citation Report is now available on Web of Knowledge.

Click the big red button.

Link to Web of Knowledge from the "W" list at:

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Tiny book exhibition - Main Library

Tiny and created by artists from all over the world. They have been collected into a travelling exhibition by the University of Akron, Ohio, and this week a representative selection of them is in Edinburgh

The miniature books are on display in the CRC on the Sixth Floor of the Main Library, until Tuesday 20th July, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Government and research policy guide from the RIN

Government and research policy in the UK: an introduction

Describes the nature, roles and responsibilities of the different Government bodies involved in research policy and funding, and the relationships between them. We hope that it will help researchers and others to understand how policy is made and implemented in key areas such as research infrastructure, career development for researchers and funding.

Call for Papers - The 6th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

December 7-10 2010,
QUT, Brisbane, Australia

For more information, closing dates etc, see

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee for Scalable Computing (TCSC), the conference will be structured around a number of e-Science themes:

1. Arts, Humanities and e-Social Science
2. Bioinformatics and Health
3. Physical Sciences and Engineering
4. Climate & Earth Sciences
5. Research Tools, Workflow and systems, novel infrastructure
6. Digital Repositories and Data Management
7. Education and e-Science practice

It is expected that the proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Turning a resource into an Open Education Resource (OER) Briefing Paper

The UK Physical Sciences Centre has produced a briefing paper giving advice on how to turn pre-existing resources into open resources that can be shared and therefore reused by others.

The briefing paper is available to download:

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

What is the value of science blogging for public engagement

Wednesday 18th August 2010
Swann Room
22-26 George Street

Edinburgh Beltane breakfast personal development and networking event.
Starts at 8:30am with free breakfast/coffee.

Presentation 08:45-09:30 - Ken MacLeod and David Shenk

"The primary focus of this seminar is blogging, not science communication"

The last event was over-subscribed.