Two January seminars over the web. They will be repeated and they will also be recorded and posted on the website for viewing.
To register, visit:
After you register, you will receive an e-mail confirmation containing the teleconference phone numbers.
You can submit questions at any time during a live e-Seminar.
1) SciFinder: Spectra and Properties
Wednesday, January 14, 2009 - 19:00-20:00 GMT
Tuesday, January 20, 2009 - 11:00 GMT & 14:00 GMT
In addition to the 2 billion predicted and experimental properties, spectra, and data tags already available in SciFinder, 23.8 million predicted proton NMR spectra have been added.
Nearly every organic substance in the CAS REGISTRYSM now has a proton NMR spectrum.
The e-Seminar will:
* Explore the collection of expanded property information
* Share how SciFinder adds value to spectral data
* Discuss how to locate the expanded property information in SciFinder
2) Exploring New Enhancements in the Web Version of SciFinder®!
January 23 - 13:30
February 3 - 18:00
February 17 - 13:30
February 24 - 20:00
The upcoming release of the web version of SciFinder extends functionality beyond the capabilities of all existing SciFinder products. In these sessions, CAS will:
* Explore existing features
* Introduce brand new features such as one click linking to your favorite SciFinder answers, new Keep Me Posted features, related references on key scientific concepts, and more . . .
* Unveil new content such as experimental and predicted properties and reaction data