18th March 2009, University of the West of England
This workshop is being conducted as part of the Royal Society of Chemistry ‘Chemistry For Our Future’ project and being organised by Graham Currell and Dilys Thornton of the University of the West of England.
It is now possible, with very little effort and practice, to produce effective video-based learning materials that are extremely well received by the students. These can vary from little more than a video ‘email’ to a more sophisticated interactive learning package.
The fact that these materials can be produced quickly in-house can permit the development of many small learning objects, some of which could evolve to be extremely useful in building support (as per Lego) for learning in other institutions. It is also possible to produce these videos in a core format which can then be further edited by a recipient university to produce a locally customised version.
The aims of this workshop are to develop skills and consider mechanisms by which such locally produced learning objects can be shared more widely.
For more information see the website: