Oxford University
20 - 24 July 2009
Workshop groups will study problems with hands-on examples using computational drug discovery methods and discuss issues highlighted by examples and Case Studies presented by instructors. A Case Study set with a focus on Kinases will be used to link all workshop activities throughout the week.
More information on program can be found at:
Blog: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/cheminfostream/
Web: http://echeminfo.com/comty_oxfordworkshop09
A Bursary Award will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic participants, who may be working in any area of research related to drug discovery. To apply for the bursary please send an email with
a) description of your research (ca. 500 words);
b) your training needs (ca. 500 words),
c) your CV
to echeminfo -[at]- douglasconnect.com by 27 February 2009.
Thursday, 19 February 2009
Online Game for Students to Learn Spectroscopy
With the intention of helping students to learn spectroscopy, an open access online game has been developed. It is presently in beta-form but already has 100s of spectra, mostly NMR, to challenge and stimulate.
The game is described in the following blog posts
http://usefulchem.blogspot.com/2009/02/web-based-spectra-game.html and http://www.chemspider.com/blog/the-spectral-game-as-an-educational-tool.
The game can be found at this url for the time being:
http://lxsrv7.oru.edu/~alang/ and there is a prize now announced:
ChemSpider is looking for additional spectral data to be added to the game. The data must be "Open Data". The spectral data will be deposited to ChemSpider for hosting and the spectral game will draw on both the structures and the spectra from ChemSpider in order to run.
The game is described in the following blog posts
http://usefulchem.blogspot.com/2009/02/web-based-spectra-game.html and http://www.chemspider.com/blog/the-spectral-game-as-an-educational-tool.
The game can be found at this url for the time being:
http://lxsrv7.oru.edu/~alang/ and there is a prize now announced:
ChemSpider is looking for additional spectral data to be added to the game. The data must be "Open Data". The spectral data will be deposited to ChemSpider for hosting and the spectral game will draw on both the structures and the spectra from ChemSpider in order to run.
SciFinder eSeminars
To register, visit: http://casevents.webex.com where you will also see rebroadcast times.
1) Energizing your chemical synthesis research
March 11, 2009
2:00 – 3:00 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time
* Explore CAS reaction content
* Find reaction information from the Wiley collections
* Sort and analysis features that can help with more precise reaction searching
* Conduct effective product yield searches
2) Finding “greener” research processes
May 13, 2009
2:00 – 3:00 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time
* Effectively search the scientific literature for green chemistry technologies
* Explore novel green discoveries in patents
* Find syntheses using green reagents and solvents
* Create alerts to inform you of green findings
1) Energizing your chemical synthesis research
March 11, 2009
2:00 – 3:00 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time
* Explore CAS reaction content
* Find reaction information from the Wiley collections
* Sort and analysis features that can help with more precise reaction searching
* Conduct effective product yield searches
2) Finding “greener” research processes
May 13, 2009
2:00 – 3:00 PM U.S. Eastern Standard Time
* Effectively search the scientific literature for green chemistry technologies
* Explore novel green discoveries in patents
* Find syntheses using green reagents and solvents
* Create alerts to inform you of green findings
Open Access Publications Policy through Senate
Open Access Publications Policy was agreed through the electronic Senate, and the minutes of the e-Senate were accepted 18th Feb 2009.
The Policy does not become mandatory until 1 Jan 2010. For this year, there is strong encouragement to deposit items.
The policy is available at
The Policy does not become mandatory until 1 Jan 2010. For this year, there is strong encouragement to deposit items.
The policy is available at
Tuesday, 17 February 2009
The Influence and Impact of Web 2.0 on e-Research Infrastructure, Applications and Users
Five-day workshop 23Mar09 09:30 - 27Mar09 17:00 at the
e-Science Institute,
15 South College Street,
Day 1 - Web 2.0 technologies
Day 2 - Clouds
Day 3 - User/usability
Day 4 - User Applications
Day 5 - Tutorials and panels
See this link for the schedule and details of the event and how to apply to attend - http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/968/
e-Science Institute,
15 South College Street,
Day 1 - Web 2.0 technologies
Day 2 - Clouds
Day 3 - User/usability
Day 4 - User Applications
Day 5 - Tutorials and panels
See this link for the schedule and details of the event and how to apply to attend - http://www.nesc.ac.uk/esi/events/968/
Monday, 16 February 2009
Ebook survey - Amazon vouchers
JISC is conducting a major national survey to find out what students and staff think about electronic books. The "JISC User Exit Survey 2009" is now live.
The survey takes 10-12 minutes to do and all completed surveys will go into a draw to win £200 worth of Amazon vouchers !
The online survey is accessible to students at:
The survey is accessible to staff at:
There are links to ebooks from library catalogue records.
There is a subset of some of the available chemistry ones at http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/resbysub/chem.shtml#chemebks including a link to the RSC ebook collection.
Re the survey, you need to know the following:
"You are under no obligation whatsoever to take part in the survey. Any information you give will be held securely and any findings will under no circumstances be revealed other than at a highly aggregated level. Data is being collected through a third-party, Survey Monkey, the privacy policy for which can be read at:
The survey takes 10-12 minutes to do and all completed surveys will go into a draw to win £200 worth of Amazon vouchers !
The online survey is accessible to students at:
The survey is accessible to staff at:
There are links to ebooks from library catalogue records.
There is a subset of some of the available chemistry ones at http://www.lib.ed.ac.uk/resbysub/chem.shtml#chemebks including a link to the RSC ebook collection.
Re the survey, you need to know the following:
"You are under no obligation whatsoever to take part in the survey. Any information you give will be held securely and any findings will under no circumstances be revealed other than at a highly aggregated level. Data is being collected through a third-party, Survey Monkey, the privacy policy for which can be read at:
Crossing The Line - UG chemist's art exhibition
Thursday 19th February, 5.15-7.00pm
Joseph Black building foyer
(Refreshments provided)
Crossing the Line is a collection of recent work by undergraduate chemistry student Laura Cocker. It is a combination of installation, photography and text exploring the nature and isolation of scientific knowledge and touching upon the artist's relationship with the invisible realm which the molecular state occupies.
The artworks will be displayed in the foyer of the Joseph Black chemistry building... After the event there will be an Edinburgh Interdisciplinary Discussions Art/Science discussion at the Bowery
Joseph Black building foyer
(Refreshments provided)
Crossing the Line is a collection of recent work by undergraduate chemistry student Laura Cocker. It is a combination of installation, photography and text exploring the nature and isolation of scientific knowledge and touching upon the artist's relationship with the invisible realm which the molecular state occupies.
The artworks will be displayed in the foyer of the Joseph Black chemistry building... After the event there will be an Edinburgh Interdisciplinary Discussions Art/Science discussion at the Bowery
Thursday, 12 February 2009
NeSC newsletter - January/February 2009
In this month's newsletter includes pieces on saving lives with the Semantic Web, the new e-Science MSc, new eSI themes, a review of e-Science...
Wednesday, 11 February 2009
increase the creative problem solving skills of science students
Wednesday 29 April 2009
Hugh Fraser Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow
To increase the creative problem solving skills of science students attending university, the Centre for Bioscience has organised a day around the theme of creativity in the sciences in collaboration with other STEM Subject Centres (Engineering, Physical Science, ICS, Maths Stats & OR, and Materials).
Through a series of interactive and creative workshop sessions as well as swapshop presentations to share examples of good practice, participants will learn more about the creative process, how to facilitate creativity in your teaching, and understand the importance of creativity as an employability trait for your students.
For more information about the speakers, the event and how to register, please visit: http://www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/events/glasgow290409.aspx
Hugh Fraser Seminar Room, Wolfson Medical Building, University of Glasgow
To increase the creative problem solving skills of science students attending university, the Centre for Bioscience has organised a day around the theme of creativity in the sciences in collaboration with other STEM Subject Centres (Engineering, Physical Science, ICS, Maths Stats & OR, and Materials).
Through a series of interactive and creative workshop sessions as well as swapshop presentations to share examples of good practice, participants will learn more about the creative process, how to facilitate creativity in your teaching, and understand the importance of creativity as an employability trait for your students.
For more information about the speakers, the event and how to register, please visit: http://www.bioscience.heacademy.ac.uk/events/glasgow290409.aspx
Tuesday, 10 February 2009
SPRESI Molecule and Reaction Database
SPRESI database is "the world's 3rd largest structure and reaction database" and available to the academic community for evaluation on the Daresbury Chemical Database Service.
SPRESIWeb is started from the usual RED SQUARE menu on the CDS main web page.
After logging on to the CDS site, users will be automatically redirected to the SPRESI site.
For more information see:-
SPRESIWeb is started from the usual RED SQUARE menu on the CDS main web page.
After logging on to the CDS site, users will be automatically redirected to the SPRESI site.
For more information see:-
Chemical Database Service (CDS),
Monday, 9 February 2009
Research-Teaching Links in the Physical Sciences: Politics and Practice
Wednesday 18th March 2009, The Reinvention Centre, University of Warwick
Undergraduate Research and the Research Teaching Link are currently hot topics. Autumn 2008 saw the publication of three major reports, from the Scottish QAA and from Professors Nigel Thrift and Paul Ramsden to the Minister, John Denham, that provide a clear political framework for 2009 onwards.
The purpose of this workshop will be to explore what this proposed framework means for practitioners in the Physical Sciences in UK Higher Education through case studies that highlight what is actually happening in Physical Science Departments around the country, brief presentations around the Reports and plenty of opportunity for discussion.
To contribute a 10 minute case study presentation to the workshop, please contact Ruth Wellock, r.wellock -at- hull.ac.uk, with details of what you would like to present.
There is no registration fee for this meeting for those working in UK HE and lunch and refreshments will be provided. For more details and to register online:
Undergraduate Research and the Research Teaching Link are currently hot topics. Autumn 2008 saw the publication of three major reports, from the Scottish QAA and from Professors Nigel Thrift and Paul Ramsden to the Minister, John Denham, that provide a clear political framework for 2009 onwards.
The purpose of this workshop will be to explore what this proposed framework means for practitioners in the Physical Sciences in UK Higher Education through case studies that highlight what is actually happening in Physical Science Departments around the country, brief presentations around the Reports and plenty of opportunity for discussion.
To contribute a 10 minute case study presentation to the workshop, please contact Ruth Wellock, r.wellock -at- hull.ac.uk, with details of what you would like to present.
There is no registration fee for this meeting for those working in UK HE and lunch and refreshments will be provided. For more details and to register online:
Friday, 6 February 2009
Open Access Research Repository - What's in it for you?
13th February 2009 - University of Stirling Management Centre
Information and booking at www.research.stir.ac.uk/OpenAccessResearchRepository.php
The University of Stirling and Universities Scotland are hosting a Scottish-wide event, which will focus on the strategic importance of Open Access Research Repositories for Universities and staff actively involved in research.
Who should attend?
* Research Managers/Directors/Coordinators
* Research Fellows
* Academic Staff involved in research
* Research Administrators
* Research Assistants
This event will provides an opportunity to explore the benefits of institutional research repositories and to share best practice. There will be an opportunity to discuss:
* Why are institutional repositories important for Scottish researchers?
* Populating the Repository
* Copyright and Open Access publishing
* Bibliometrics and Research Assessment
Information and booking at www.research.stir.ac.uk/OpenAccessResearchRepository.php
The University of Stirling and Universities Scotland are hosting a Scottish-wide event, which will focus on the strategic importance of Open Access Research Repositories for Universities and staff actively involved in research.
Who should attend?
* Research Managers/Directors/Coordinators
* Research Fellows
* Academic Staff involved in research
* Research Administrators
* Research Assistants
This event will provides an opportunity to explore the benefits of institutional research repositories and to share best practice. There will be an opportunity to discuss:
* Why are institutional repositories important for Scottish researchers?
* Populating the Repository
* Copyright and Open Access publishing
* Bibliometrics and Research Assessment
Academic Communication Survey - Amazon vouchers
on behalf of Publishing Directions (UK) Ltd and JISC.
Dear Chemistry Researcher,
We would like to ask for your help - we need your input and perspective as a researcher in order to better understand how you communicate with your academic colleagues, particularly in using digital methods. We would like to understand more about how you locate, evaluate, organise, manage, transform, communicate and re-use research information in your field.
We would like to ask you to take 15 minutes to fill in a brief online survey.
Your input will provide vital insight into understanding methods of scholarly communications in the fields of chemistry and will help us to plan advocacy programmes to encourage the take up of new methodologies and technologies to improve the access to, use and re-use of content by UK academics in this field.
The survey is part of a study project undertaken by Publishing Directions (UK) Ltd (www.publishingdirections.co.uk) on behalf of JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee (www.jisc.ac.uk).
The survey will be live online from 30th January - 13th February. You can access it here (www.rsc.org/advocacy), which redirects to a survey on http://www.surveymonkey.com/. Any answers you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and shared only with JISC in an aggregated format.
In order to thank you for your time, you will be given the opportunity to enter a Prize Draw, with prizes of 5 £40 Amazon vouchers to be won.
If you have any queries about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With thanks,
Dr William Town.
bill.town --at-- kilmorie.com
Dear Chemistry Researcher,
We would like to ask for your help - we need your input and perspective as a researcher in order to better understand how you communicate with your academic colleagues, particularly in using digital methods. We would like to understand more about how you locate, evaluate, organise, manage, transform, communicate and re-use research information in your field.
We would like to ask you to take 15 minutes to fill in a brief online survey.
Your input will provide vital insight into understanding methods of scholarly communications in the fields of chemistry and will help us to plan advocacy programmes to encourage the take up of new methodologies and technologies to improve the access to, use and re-use of content by UK academics in this field.
The survey is part of a study project undertaken by Publishing Directions (UK) Ltd (www.publishingdirections.co.uk) on behalf of JISC, the Joint Information Systems Committee (www.jisc.ac.uk).
The survey will be live online from 30th January - 13th February. You can access it here (www.rsc.org/advocacy), which redirects to a survey on http://www.surveymonkey.com/. Any answers you provide will be treated as strictly confidential and shared only with JISC in an aggregated format.
In order to thank you for your time, you will be given the opportunity to enter a Prize Draw, with prizes of 5 £40 Amazon vouchers to be won.
If you have any queries about the survey, please do not hesitate to contact me.
With thanks,
Dr William Town.
bill.town --at-- kilmorie.com
Thursday, 5 February 2009
Physical Sciences Centre Bulletin
February Bulletin from the Physical Sciences Centre; information about forthcoming Centre events, news and developments from the Centre and any other related news, every month. available on the website:
Contents include:
1.iii) Higher Education Academy Scotland travel fund for academic staff: call for applications
2. Higher Education Academy Student Competition
3. Publication of the latest New Directions
and various calls for papers.
Contents include:
1.iii) Higher Education Academy Scotland travel fund for academic staff: call for applications
2. Higher Education Academy Student Competition
3. Publication of the latest New Directions
and various calls for papers.
Two seminars in the University of Glasgow's Learning & Teaching Centre seminar series
1) Accessibility - attitude of mind or adaptive computing?
Presented by Alan Crombie, Open University
Friday 13th February 2009, 14:00-16:00
2) The nature of student engagement and why it matters so much
Presented by Colin Bryson, Newcastle University
Wednesday 4th March 2009, 12:00-14:00
The seminars are being held at the
Learning & Teaching Centre,
Southpark House,
64 Southpark Avenue,
Glasgow G12 8LB
For more information, abstracts and speaker biographies, please go to:
Seminars are free of charge and open to all.
Presented by Alan Crombie, Open University
Friday 13th February 2009, 14:00-16:00
2) The nature of student engagement and why it matters so much
Presented by Colin Bryson, Newcastle University
Wednesday 4th March 2009, 12:00-14:00
The seminars are being held at the
Learning & Teaching Centre,
Southpark House,
64 Southpark Avenue,
Glasgow G12 8LB
For more information, abstracts and speaker biographies, please go to:
Seminars are free of charge and open to all.
Predictive ADME and Toxicology workshop week
Predictive ADME and Toxicology workshop week at Oxford University 27 – 31 July 2009. A hands-on case study approach using a variety of methods applied to ADME and Tox datasets and endpoints.
More information on program can be found at:
Blog: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/cheminfostream/
Pdf: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/files/echeminfoadmetprogramoxford09-1.pdf
Web: http://echeminfo.com/COMTY_oxfordadmet09
A Bursary Award will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic participants, who may be working in any area of research related to predictive ADME and toxicology.
To apply for the bursary please send, by 20th Feb 09, an email to echeminfo-[at]- douglasconnect.com with:
a) description of your research (ca. 500 words);
b) your training needs (ca. 500 words),
c) your CV
eCheminfo Community of Practice
Douglas Connect GmbH
CHMINF-L Archives (also to join or leave CHMINF-L, etc.) http://listserv.indiana.edu/archives/chminf-l.html
More information on program can be found at:
Blog: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/cheminfostream/
Pdf: http://barryhardy.blogs.com/files/echeminfoadmetprogramoxford09-1.pdf
Web: http://echeminfo.com/COMTY_oxfordadmet09
A Bursary Award will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic participants, who may be working in any area of research related to predictive ADME and toxicology.
To apply for the bursary please send, by 20th Feb 09, an email to echeminfo-[at]- douglasconnect.com with:
a) description of your research (ca. 500 words);
b) your training needs (ca. 500 words),
c) your CV
eCheminfo Community of Practice
Douglas Connect GmbH
CHMINF-L Archives (also to join or leave CHMINF-L, etc.) http://listserv.indiana.edu/archives/chminf-l.html
Tuesday, 3 February 2009
CrossFire downtime 17th February 07:00
The Mimas CrossFire service will not be available for a period of up to two hours from 7 a.m. GMT on Tuesday 17 February, because of required disk maintenance.
MIMAS would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.
MIMAS would like to apologise in advance for any inconvenience caused.
Gmelin - content figures
The latest quarterly update to the Gmelin database, 2008/04, has now been loaded.
Statistics for the new Gmelin database are as follows:
Number of compounds: 2,641,161
Number of reactions: 2,012,733
Number of citations: 1,375,716
find out more at Databases relevant to Chemistry
Statistics for the new Gmelin database are as follows:
Number of compounds: 2,641,161
Number of reactions: 2,012,733
Number of citations: 1,375,716
find out more at Databases relevant to Chemistry
Monday, 2 February 2009
17th Improving Student Learning Symposium hosted by the Oxford Centre for Staff and Learning Development (OCSLD)
7-9 September 2009, Imperial College, London
We hope that the theme for this symposium - 'for the 21st Century Learner' - will challenge contributors to consider the rapidly changing landscape of university education - technology, massification, increased diversity of students and globalisation etc.
Please submit your paper proposal online at http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsld/isl/isl2009/callforpapers.html. The closing date for submissions is 28 February 2009, and authors will be notified by the end of March whether their paper has been selected for presentation.
Improving Student Learning symposium (ISL) is supported by the Higher Education Academy.
7-9 September 2009, Imperial College, London
We hope that the theme for this symposium - 'for the 21st Century Learner' - will challenge contributors to consider the rapidly changing landscape of university education - technology, massification, increased diversity of students and globalisation etc.
Please submit your paper proposal online at http://www.brookes.ac.uk/services/ocsld/isl/isl2009/callforpapers.html. The closing date for submissions is 28 February 2009, and authors will be notified by the end of March whether their paper has been selected for presentation.
Improving Student Learning symposium (ISL) is supported by the Higher Education Academy.
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