Monday, 22 November 2010

ResearcherID — your e-publication list

Use EndNote and EndNote Web to manage your personal publication list in ResearcherID, a free author community where you can create your own profile to eliminate author misidentification. Search ResearcherID to find collaborators and more. New features include:

Connect to EndNote Web from any ResearcherID page to manage your publication list, perform online searches and edit records in one click.

Compare your publication list with Web of Science to add Times Cited details automatically.

The best part is you can use the same login/password for ResearcherID and EndNote Web as for personal area of Web of Knowledge.

For databases:

My EndNote Web:

Register with your university email address.

Thursday, 18 November 2010


UseMyAbility website results from a Higher Education Academy National Teaching Fellowship Scheme (NTFS) project on employability and disability.

Sections for students, university staff and employers at:

Tuesday, 16 November 2010

Presentations available WoK - Bibliometric Course

Following the recent Web of knowledge Bibliometric course the course presentations are available:

1. Researcher Evaluation.
2. The Metrics.
3. Using Bibliometrics.

on the Mimas Web of Knowledge Service for UK Education web site at:

There is also a Thomson Reuters White Paper.

Using Bibliometrics: A Guide to Evaluating Research Performance with Citation Data which can be viewed at:

Monday, 15 November 2010

Updates to Reaxys on 13th November

* Structure editors: Accelrys Draw (Symyx Draw 4.0) is now supported. Implementation of the default structure editor, Marvin Sketch, has been improved, resulting in better performance

* Find Similar Reactions: placed below the RX.ID, the link opens a dialog containing a table with the product structures as row headers and the cells contain hitset sizes for the different class codes which work as links.

* Synthesis planner updates: now able to re-size the planner according to preference through the Resize button. Synthesis planner tab captions are now editable using the Rename button.

* Hazmat Navigator - a source of chemical safety data - is now linked to Reaxys. Hazmat is a valuable source of chemical safety information

* Generate Structure from Name has been updated - if an entered name cannot be resolved into one structure, all the alternatives are presented in a dialog box and the user can select the appropriate one.

Tuesday, 9 November 2010

IADIS: International Conference Mobile Learning 2011

10 to 12 March 2011
Avila, Spain.

Call for paper deadline for submissions (1st call extension): 29 November 2010

The conference seeks to provide a forum for the discussion and presentation of mobile learning research.

Friday, 5 November 2010

JISC Online Conference Innovating e-Learning

Online conference
23-26 November 2010

JISC Legal 10 Year Anniversary: Top Ten Tips

Designed to assist navigating the advantages ICT brings.

More effective lectures and tutorials

The HE Academy's UK Physical Sciences Centre has organised a series of workshops around the theme of doing things more effectively.

i) More Effective Lectures,
Wednesday 15th December 2010,
University of Edinburgh

More information

ii) More Effective Tutorials/Workshops,
12th January 2011,
Loughborough University

More information

Mathematics for chemistry facts and formula leaflet

The sigma CETL, in conjunction with the UK Physical Science Centre, has produced a facts and formula sheet to support mathematics learning in chemistry.

Global Horizons festival

The events run from 13-20 November.

Many events are FREE and staff, students and the general public are welcome.

A full programme and booking details are online at:

Among the highlights are international music and dance concert – Rhythmic World - which includes African drumming, flamenco, Brazillian Capoeira, Punjabi dance, Italian song, Georgian singing, Egyptian belly dancing, and Middle Eastern music.

The Global Horizons programme also includes:
- a 5 a-side mini world cup tournament (we hope staff will join in);
- a Bhangra Dance Workshop and a Georgian Singing workshop
- A Mexican Fiesta! Celebrating 200 years of Mexican independence
- a photography and film competition
- information for students about studying/working abroad, and about working in the UK for international students

RSE Beltane Public Engagement Prize

Nominees are invited from all disciplines, and all organisations, across Scotland for this new prize to reward and celebrate public engagement with research, jointly founded by Royal Society of Edinburgh and the Edinburgh Beltane for Public Engagement.

Two Prizes will be made:

i) The RSE Beltane Senior Prize for Public Engagement, awarded to an individual with long standing experience of this field.
ii) The RSE Beltane Innovators Award, for an emerging talent.

The closing date is 31st January 2011.

XCITR - eXplore Chemical Information Teaching Resources

XCITR has been opened to the public. XCITR is a repository for exploring and sharing chemical information teaching resources. Requires personal registration to contribute materials and to access XCITR materials for teaching or personal use.

Tuesday, 12 October 2010

9th International Conference on Chemical Structures - call for papers

5-9 June 2011
NH Leeuwenhorst Conference Hotel,
The Netherlands

Visit the conference website at:

Open Dataset - finding and using their information

Free one-day Open Data Master Classes

To provide individuals with the tools and techniques needed to use and analysis a range of Open Datasets such as school census data, health care provision, crime statistics and transportation data.

The Open Data Master Classes combine theory and practicals with guest lectures from prominent members in the field from government, academia and business. Participants will learn a range of techniques from data collection and processing to data analysis and map visualization.

More details at:

Using social media to communicate your research

Wednesday 10th November
1.00 - 2.00 (sandwich lunch from 12.30).
Teviot Row Dining Room

Further details with link to booking on MyEd at:

Wednesday, 6 October 2010

Using Technology to Enhance Learning in Physical Sciences

Wednesday 8th December 2010,

There is no registration fee for this meeting for those working in UK HE.
More details at:

More Effective Learning in Laboratories

Wednesday 17th November 2010,
CELS, Nottingham Trent University.

No registration fee for this meeting for those working in UK HE.

More information and booking at:

Combining text and visual features for information retrieval

ICCS/HCRC Seminar Series,Dina Demner-Fushman

22 October 2010 - 11am

4.31/33, Informatics Forum
10 Crichton Street

Portobello book festival

Fri 8th Oct - Sun 10th Oct.

Childrens events, family history, food, fitba' and Ian Rankin.

More from the website at:

Wednesday, 22 September 2010

BMC Research Notes and open data

BMC Research Notes is commissioning articles which outline procedures for sharing data that enable the data to be readily re-used by others.

UKSG Serials e-news article

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

6th German Conference on Chemoinformatics

Hotel 'Der Achtermann',
Goslar, Germany
7 - 9 November 2010

More information and registration at:

Friday, 3 September 2010

Reaxys update - 4th Sept

Of particular note are the improved service offered by eMolecules, the ability to filter by substructure and further enhancements to the synthesis planner.

Enhanced commercial availability service from eMolcules: immediate display of the compound quantity and price and a customized e-commerce service for Reaxys users

Filter by substructure (both substances and reactions): saves time by avoiding the need to combine separate hitsets to see where they intersect

Updated Synthesis Planner: now you can explore different pathways in a single synthesis plan to make sure you get the result you are looking for

Enhanced reaction display features
ChemAxon MarvinSketch update to version 5.3.7: on initial loading this version will start with the most common features pre-loaded, therefore any subsequent start of MarvinSketch will be substantially faster.

Please refer to the Reaxys About page for more update details and further information about the Reaxys system and the tested environments. You can access this by clicking the About Reaxys hyperlink displayed at the bottom of the Query page.

webinar - SciFinder Fundamentals Part I: Basic Search and Analysis Techniques

Tuesday, September 14, 2010
2:00-3:00 p.m. (14:00–15:00) EDT (18:00-19:00 GMT)

Rebroadcast date and times for the e-Seminar will be:
Wednesday, September 15, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. EDT (13:00 GMT)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 6:00 a.m. EDT (10:00 GMT)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 9:00 a.m. EDT (13:00 GMT)
Tuesday, September 21, 2010 at 9:00 p.m. EDT (1:00 GMT September 22)

To register, visit the interactive SciFinder training calendar at

After you register, you will receive an e-mail confirmation containing the teleconference phone numbers.

Monday, 30 August 2010

Main Library - Centre for the History of the Book Seminars, autumn 2010

Meet at the CRC's reception on level 6.

Everyone is welcome to attend.

Tuesday 21 September
Michael Turnbull - "Rosslyn Chapel: New Perspectives"

Friday 8 October
Jonathan Wild (University of Edinburgh) - "The Edwardian Literary Scene"

Friday 22 October
Brian Hillyard (National Library of Scotland) - "Ruddiman's Printing Business"

Friday 12 November
Elizabeth Henderson (University of St. Andrews) - "Brothers in Benefaction: Scot of Scotstarvit and Drummond of Hawthornden"

Friday 26 November
Alison Wiggins (University of Glasgow) - "Bess of Hardwick's Letters (1522-1608): material readings and editing online"

Friday 10 December
Andrew Wiseman (University of Edinburgh) - "A' Cur Clach air a' Chàrn: The Scottish Gaelic Texts Society (1934-2009)"

Monday, 16 August 2010

Ninth UK e-Science All Hands Meeting (AHM 2010)

13-16 September 2010
City Hall,

More information from the website at:

Tuesday, 10 August 2010

Wiley website down

The publishers Wiley's website was upgraded recently. Wiley have taken it down at the time of writing (10:35 Tuesday 10th August) to fix some glitches.

Friday, 30 July 2010

Reaxys Training

Wednesday 4th August
JCMB rm3217

Reaxys staff demonstrating and taking questions.
CrossFire platform for Beilstein and Gmelin ceases at the end of December 2010. Reaxys is how they will be accessed.

Please book via the MyEd event channel:

Reaxys at:
[on-campus or VPN]

Impact Factors - 2009

The 2009 Journal Citation Report is now available on Web of Knowledge.

Click the big red button.

Link to Web of Knowledge from the "W" list at:

Thursday, 15 July 2010

Tiny book exhibition - Main Library

Tiny and created by artists from all over the world. They have been collected into a travelling exhibition by the University of Akron, Ohio, and this week a representative selection of them is in Edinburgh

The miniature books are on display in the CRC on the Sixth Floor of the Main Library, until Tuesday 20th July, from 9am to 5pm, Monday to Friday.

Tuesday, 13 July 2010

Government and research policy guide from the RIN

Government and research policy in the UK: an introduction

Describes the nature, roles and responsibilities of the different Government bodies involved in research policy and funding, and the relationships between them. We hope that it will help researchers and others to understand how policy is made and implemented in key areas such as research infrastructure, career development for researchers and funding.

Call for Papers - The 6th IEEE International Conference on e-Science

December 7-10 2010,
QUT, Brisbane, Australia

For more information, closing dates etc, see

Sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society's Technical Committee for Scalable Computing (TCSC), the conference will be structured around a number of e-Science themes:

1. Arts, Humanities and e-Social Science
2. Bioinformatics and Health
3. Physical Sciences and Engineering
4. Climate & Earth Sciences
5. Research Tools, Workflow and systems, novel infrastructure
6. Digital Repositories and Data Management
7. Education and e-Science practice

It is expected that the proceedings will be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press, USA and will be made available online through the IEEE Digital Library.

Monday, 12 July 2010

Turning a resource into an Open Education Resource (OER) Briefing Paper

The UK Physical Sciences Centre has produced a briefing paper giving advice on how to turn pre-existing resources into open resources that can be shared and therefore reused by others.

The briefing paper is available to download:

Wednesday, 7 July 2010

What is the value of science blogging for public engagement

Wednesday 18th August 2010
Swann Room
22-26 George Street

Edinburgh Beltane breakfast personal development and networking event.
Starts at 8:30am with free breakfast/coffee.

Presentation 08:45-09:30 - Ken MacLeod and David Shenk

"The primary focus of this seminar is blogging, not science communication"

The last event was over-subscribed.

Wednesday, 30 June 2010

Student Laboratory Skills at the Transition into HE Chemistry

Wednesday July 14th.
Department of Chemistry,
University of York.

Open to all and free of charge.

Half-day meeting focussing on the challenges facing HE Chemistry departments aiming to provide undergraduates with a cost-effective, high quality training in modern practical chemistry against the background of patchy secondary-level preparation for laboratory work, increased student numbers, and limited budgets.

For purposes of catering etc., external visitors please register in advance (preferably by Friday July 9th). Registration and further details available from Nigel Lowe (nl6 @

Friday, 4 June 2010

Robertson Library move to JCM Building

Roberston Library closes this evening at 5pm and will be closed for two weeks whilst stock is moved to space in the JCM Building.

More information, including about services at this time at:

Outreach in Collaboration III: The CELS Celebration event

8th July 2010,
Nottingham Trent University

For those working in Science, Technology Engineering or Mathematics (STEM) at a UK university who want to learn more about how to develop and deliver high quality Outreach activities with schools and colleges.

More at:

Sustainable Laboratory Chemistry - New Challenges and Effective Responses

14th June 2010,
University of York

The Centre is collaborating with two HEFCE-funded projects - S-Lab (Safe, Successful, Sustainable Laboratories) and the University of Bradford’s Ecoversity initiative – on a workshop on Sustainable Laboratory Chemistry. The event, at York on June 14, includes presentations on curriculum innovation, micro-scale chemistry, and laboratory environmental auditing and improvement.

More at:

Variety in Chemistry Education Conference (ViCE)

2nd – 3rd September 2010,
Loughborough University

The deadline for offers of workshops and oral presentations is 25th June 2010.
More at:

JISC Legal Monthly - June

Legal Guidance for ICT Use in Education and Research, at:
choose the pdf option if you don't want to register.

Contents include and has more on:

In the Queen's speech, the Freedom Bill is described as a new piece of legislation to return freedoms to the general public and repeal previous complex and unnecessary laws...These significant recommended changes will be of direct relevance to FE and HE institutions.

A dispute over copyright has arisen between a professor and his former employer, Newcastle University...staff working in HE and FE to check the copyright policy in their institutions and, when negotiating copyright ownership, to ensure the agreed terms are clear and contained in their written contract of employment.

The Digital Economy Act 2010 was given royal assent late on Thursday, 8 April 2010...The latest version sees file-sharers accused of infringing copyright having their internet connections suspended, through ‘blocking injunctions’ without the opportunity to be heard before a court...consequences for internet providers including universities, colleges and libraries...another amendment...relating to ‘orphaned works’, where the copyright owner cannot be legitimately traced, has been dropped completely.

Friday, 14 May 2010

WoK - upgrade with disruption day

Upgrade on Sunday 16 May
commencing 14.00 BST

There may be disruptions to service throughout the day until the upgrade is completed.

Powerpoint slides for information on the upgrades and information on the upgrade to the new prototype WoK version 5.1 and also a preview of future updates at:

Give the new version a go via the link on the WoK screen (top right). Get there from:

CrossFire - short downtime period - 27th & 28th May

In order to allow for essential operating system updates to be applied to the CrossFire server, there will be a brief period of downtime between 08:00 and 08:30 BST (07:00 - 07:30 GMT) on both Thursday 27th and Friday 28th May.

MIMAS anticipate that the CrossFire service will be unavailable for login for around 5-10 minutes during this period.

Pharma-Bio-Med 2010 Conference & Exhibition

8-10 November (with optional workshops on 7th and 11th November).

For more general information on Pharma-Bio-Med please visit the conference website,

Poster outlines before Friday 14th May.

Evidence-informed Quality Improvement Programme (EQUIP)

EQUIP is a new programme from the Higher Education Academy that will help individual higher education institutions to identify, understand and resolve key issues affecting the quality and effectiveness of the student learning experience.

UK HEIs are invited to submit project proposals for EQUIP by Wednesday 30 June 2010.

The full guidance notes and proposal form can be downloaded from:

Friday, 2 April 2010

Research Excellence Framework – consultation outcomes

The four UK higher education funding bodies have announced the outcomes of the recent consultation on the new Research Excellence Framework:

New CLA Guidance for HE

The CLA Higher Education Copyright Licence Operation Working Group has issued a Good Practice Guide for higher education in the creation of course packs. The guidance includes illustrations of good and questionable practice. There is an explanation of the aims of the licence and information on what to do when in doubt.

Full pdf document at:

YouTube - speech recognition software

Every single YouTube video with English language audio can now support captioning created by speech recognition software thus improving the sites accessibility for videos. More details from the Out-Law website at:

YouTube item
Googleblog item

User generated content online

Amendment to clause 17 of the Digital Economy Bill could lead to entire sites being forced offline if it becomes law. The Bill is designed to combat digital copyright infringement and is planned to be hastily pushed through the legislative process before an April election...potentially, entire sites like YouTube could be forced offline reports the Guardian. This could lead to further legal challenges for institutions providing internet services and using user generated content sites. For the full article, see

Tuesday, 30 March 2010

Fifth Joint Sheffield Conference on Chemoinformatics

13th-15th July 2010
University of Sheffield

Early bird registration ends April 9th.

The conference is organised on behalf of the Molecular Graphics and Modelling Society and the Chemical Structure Association Trust.

US environment agency (EPA) - public database on risk assessments

Health and Environmental Research Online (HERO) database.

Access to the scientific studies used in making key regulatory decisions, including EPA's periodic review of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards (NAAQS) for six major pollutants.

HERO includes peer-reviewed literature used by EPA to develop its Integrated Science Assessments (ISA) that feed into the NAAQS review. It also includes references and data from the Integrated Risk Information System (IRIS), a database that supports critical agency policymaking for chemical regulation.

ASCUS: Art Science Collaborative - monthly talk

Thursday 1st April 2010, 6-7 pm
Wee Red Lounge, Edinburgh College of Art (above the Wee Red Bar)

Hamer Dodds will discuss his experience as a scientist and artist and introduce some of his recent work at the Royal Botanic Gardens, Edinburgh and the Wolfson College, Oxford. In his work he examines flows and relationships in the organic world, how science is visualised and what rules pertain to these visualisations.

Hamer Dodds -

Snacks and drinks (including alcohol) will be for sale!

Ning site:
Plus, group on Facebook where details of future events advertised.

Variety in Chemistry Education Conference (ViCE)

2nd – 3rd September 2010,
Loughborough University

Contributions are invited for:

Workshops - 2 hour sessions of groups of 15-20 participating in activities designed to enhance student learning or related to other aspects of teaching and learning.

Oral Communications - 10 minute papers followed by discussion of 5 minutes.

Oral Bytes - 5 minute accounts of new ideas, novel approaches or new resources. May describe work in progress or be used to identify potential collaborators. (Three PowerPoint slides maximum).

Deadline for offers - 25th June 2010.
Further details and online registration at:

Monday, 29 March 2010

Main Library forum exhibition - CERN's Large Hadron Collider

Tuesday 30th March: 8am-5pm
Wednesday 31st March: 9am-5pm

Hands-on physics exhibition in the Main Library celebrating the start of the Large Hadron Collider research programme. Possible screenings of live broadcasts from CERN but definately with accessible displays and demos illuminating aspects of physics related to the LHC.

Main Library:

iPhone Apps - ACS Publications & Symyx

ACS Mobile for your iPhone or iPod Touch:

Since 2009, Symyx - ChemMobi provides access to over 30 million chemical structures, enabling chemists to search for Chemical Names or IDs:

CDS - free trial of Symyx DiscoveryGate.

DiscoveryGate is a way of accessing information including organic synthesis, bioactivity, physical property, pharmacology, metabolism/toxicity, and chemical sourcing data via the web.

Request access and find out more at:

Maths for scientists meeting: Looking forward

Wednesday 26th May 2010,
Loughborough University

The next meeting of the maths for chemistry SIG will be a meeting open to all sciences with parallel sessions specific for physics and chemistry.

No registration fee for this meeting for those working in UK HE and lunch and refreshments will be provided.

Register for this event online:

Thursday, 18 March 2010

Chemical Spreadsheets blog post

A 2008 blog post by Richard L. Apodaca at US company on free and not free Chemical Spreadsheets at:

From the post:

"A chemical spreadsheet displays multiple chemical structures in a regular arrangement (typically grids or rows) for the purpose of manipulating them in the same ways as text and numerical data can be manipulated in spreadsheet applications like Excel (sorting, performing calculations, charting, editing, etc.)."

CDS - new databases

From CDS announcement email:

Three specialist databases from Accelrys are now available from Chemical Database Service.

They are:

* BioCatalysis - Synthesis using Enzymes and Micro organisms
* Protecting Groups - Reactions involving selective Protection/Deprotection
* Solid Phase Synthesis - For use in combinatorial synthesis

Further information (with links to the databases) can be viewed at:

Access is via the Accord Database Explorer (Windows PC users only). It can be downloaded by logging in then using the Downloads link on the CDS Home page:
You will also need to download and install a cut down version of an Oracle client supplied by CDS.

Register for use of the Chemical Database Service. Link from CSD entry in Chemistry Databases

Monday, 22 February 2010

Beacons for Public Engagement Initiative - survey - UK higher education staff, and researchers

The Beacons for Public Engagement (BPE) initiative was launched by the UK Higher Education Funding Councils, Research Councils UK and the Wellcome Trust in January 2008.

Through building on and refining existing work and development of new practice, the initiative aims to:

* Encourage a change in HE culture as regards engaging with the public.
* Support the development of public engagement across all subject areas and activities.

There are six Beacons for Public Engagement including "Edinburgh Beltane" (Edinburgh, Heriot-Watt, Edinburgh Napier, UHI Millennium Institute, Edinburgh College of Art, Queen Margaret)

This survey is to identify any changes in perceptions relating to public engagement and is for all staff working in UK higher education institutions or UK research institutes or centres.

Available Monday 15th February to Friday 2nd April 2010.

Wednesday, 3 February 2010

Reaxys PhD Prize

A competition for candidates currently studying for a PhD or having completed a PhD within the last 12 months in organic, inorganic, and organometallic chemistry.

The prize will be awarded to the candidates that demonstrate excellence in methodology and approach in a peer-reviewed publication. Three prize winners will each receive a check for $2000 and be invited to present their research at the Winners’ Symposium, held at the EuCheMS meeting in Nuremberg, Germany on August 30, 2010.

Further details and all submissions should be made here:

eCheminfo workshops

eCheminfo workshops in drug discovery and predictive ADME/tox in Oxford this summer. In addition to exposure to a variety of methods, software and hands-on exercises, groups will work together on case studies throughout the workshop week.

Bursary Awards will be used to support the attendance of a selection of academic participants at the workshops. The deadline for submission is February 12.

More Information at:

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Crayola® Crayon Chronology

Blizzard Blue was retired in 2003 but inch worm made it in. Prussian Blue had to change to Midnight Blue in 1958 but what about Indian Red and Flesh?

Crayola® Crayon Chronology

Symposium - Functional Nanoscience

17th - 21st May, 2010
Hotel Schloss Korb

Limited number of participants (ca. 50-60).

Further general information, the scientific program, the first circular and the registration form at:

Friday, 15 January 2010

Registration open ASIS&T Summit - Research Data Access and Preservation

Research Data Access and Preservation

April 9-10, 2010
Phoenix, AZ
Hyatt Regency
In cooperation with the Coalition for Networked Information

Aims to bring together leaders in data centers, laboratories, and libraries in different organizational and disciplinary settings to share ideas and techniques for managing, preserving, and sharing large-scale research data repositories with an eye toward achieving infrastructure-independent access and stewardship.

Monday, 11 January 2010

Graduates for the 21st Century - Heriot-Watt

7th annual Enhancement Themes Conference,
2-3rd March 2010,
Edinburgh Conference Centre, Heriot-Watt University

The focus of this year's conference will be the current Scottish higher education Enhancement Theme, 'Graduates for the 21st Century: Integrating the Enhancement Themes'.

Call for Contributions

Details about the conference and the call for proposals can be found on the Enhancement Themes website:

University of Edinburgh IS meeting on server virtualisation

There will be a half-day Open (University of Edinburgh staff) Meeting on Server Virtualisation:

Date: Thursday 28 January 2010
Time: 1400-1700
Venue: Informatics Forum, Crichton St

There is considerable interest around the University in having a centrally-provided virtualisation service, which would host virtual servers on behalf of Schools. The purpose of this meeting is to gauge interest in such a service, to understand the most important requirements which a service should satisfy, and to develop ideas of how the service would be structured and governed.

The emphasis will be on the principles around governance and business models and the strategic decisions which need to be made in developing a service.

Booking via MyEd:

New for EUL - British Library Archival Sound Recordings

Includes bird and other wildlife recordings. Also music recordings and historical and geographical related recordings too.

An entry will be added to the Library's databases page list at

In the meantime:

Go to
Select the red log in link at the top right of the page.
Select University of Edinburgh from drop down menu.
Enter your EASE details if requested.

The terms of use are outlined here: